All Global Market Outlook Reports

Global Market Outlook
March 24, 2013

March 2013 Global Outlook – Do you believe in miracles?

The odds of winning were slim and none. Avoiding embarrassment was the real objective, but then something happened. Momentum changed and the rag-tag bunch of American college hockey players shocked not only the Soviets and their 1980 Big Red Machine, but the entire sports World. When seemingly faced with…

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Global Market Outlook
February 25, 2013

February 2013 Global Outlook – the worst is over

Politicians will say the just about anything to get the public on its side. Sometimes they’ll even fudge the truth a bit. In this IceCap Global Outlook, we explore how European leaders are claiming everything is just fine and dandy, when in fact it isn’t.

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Global Market Outlook
January 26, 2013

January 2013 Global Outlook – The Queen

She adores hats. She is always very polite and respectful of others. She waves to everyone, and consistently avoids conflict. She is a lady; she is The Queen.   Without a doubt, Queen Elizabeth lives a life quite unlike everyone else in the World – after all, royalty does have…

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Global Market Outlook
December 27, 2012

November 2012 Global Outlook – Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek is beautiful, rich and famous. Besides lighting up the silver screens in multi-million dollar movies, this glamorous beauty also graces the covers of People, Vogue and of course, Glamour. Friedrich Hayek is a deceased Austrian economist. He wasn’t very good looking, certainly not wealthy but he did…

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Global Market Outlook
October 29, 2012

October 2012 Global Outlook – How to lull a banker to sleep

Ever wonder what kept a banker awake at night? IceCap Asset Management Limited Global Markets October 2012 from IceCap Asset Management Alternatively, download the PDF here IceCap-Asset-Management-Limited-Global-Markets October 2012  …

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Global Market Outlook
September 30, 2012

September 2012 Global Outlook – 3 days that shook the world

Elvis Presley was the King. Whenever he jumped on stage and got “all shook up” the World took notice. His kind of shaking was fun for everyone. On the other hand, American President Kennedy and Soviet Premier Khrushchev didn’t quite get to shake the World, but they certainly forced…

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