All Global Market Outlook Reports

February 2016 IceCap Global Outlook – Journey to the Center of the Earth
Crazy, volatile, up and down – how on earth is anyone expected to make heads or tails of current markets? The answer is actually quite simple – follow the really smart money as it will always run away from trouble. This is good news as the path towards the inevitable,…

November 2015 Global Outlook – Searching the world for yield
The reason the world’s economic slump continues is quite clear – people are spending less money than before. The solution used by the world’s central banks is to reduce the amount of money available to people to spend. Irony or confusion? Take a pick. One thing is clear – investors…

October 2015 Global Outlook – Collision
Years ago, the seeds were sown. Governments began an untenable trend of consistently spending more money than they collected in taxes. The difference of course, was made up by borrowing. As the years and deficits rolled along, so too did the amount of money owing. Governments responded by borrowing even…

August 2015 Global Outlook – Let him eat! Let him eat!
For many people, summer is the best time of year. Swimming, running and of course – eating, are just some of the ways we melt away during the warm days of summer. While the investment industry also takes a breather, global financial markets do not. This current summer is full…

July 2015 Global Outlook – Elementary my Dear Watson
New money printing, negative interest rates and more bailouts has created even more confusion in the financial world. Fairly soon; pensioners, companies, governments and their consultants will be scratching their collective heads trying to figure out the latest financial mystery and how to get out of it. We suggest they start first by reading IceCap's latest Global Market Outlook.

April 2015 Global Outlook – Right on Target
Are you a member of a pension plan? Then this Global Outlook is a must-read. Investors will soon discover that everything they've been told about investing will be turned upside down. There is a severe bubble brewing in the bond market and conservative investors with Target Date Funds or Lifecycle Funds are in for a rude surprise. Sadly, many people in pension plans are not aware of these risks, or the fact that they are forced to hold these risky funds.

February 2015 Global Outlook – The Ice Bowl
In 2013-2014, many investors bought energy stocks because they paid 5%-9% dividends. With central bank rates at 0%, we explained to investors that there was considerable risk with holding energy stocks. Few believed us. Oil subsequently declined 40% producing enormous losses for these investors. In this issue we specifically state the risks that few people see or want to believe exists. And we introduce the IceCap Bubble Meter.

December 2014 Global Outlook – The Third Law
If you hear something often enough, eventually you believe it to be true. In the investment world, you’ve always been told that the stock market moves based upon the strength of an economy and the profits from companies. In this issue we demonstrate how nothing could be further from the truth. The real driver of investment returns is actually the really big shifts of international capital from one market to another.

September 2014 Global Outlook – The Ski Holiday
An instant classic. IceCap makes a wager with a European-based investment manager about the ultimate fate of the Eurozone.
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